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Quick Start

The library has different modules that can be imported separately

  • BigQuery
libraryDependencies += "" %% "big-data-types-bigquery" % "{version}"
  • Spark
libraryDependencies += "" %% "big-data-types-spark" % "{version}"
  • Cassandra
libraryDependencies += "" %% "big-data-types-cassandra" % "{version}"
  • Circe (JSON)
libraryDependencies += "" %% "big-data-types-circe" % "{version}"
  • Core
    • To get support for abstract SqlTypes, it is included in the others, so it is not needed if you are using one of the others
libraryDependencies += "" %% "big-data-types-core" % "{version}"

Versions for Scala Scala 2.12 ,Scala_2.13 and Scala 3.x are available in Maven

In order to transform one type into another, both modules have to be imported.

How it works

The library internally uses a generic ADT (SqlType) that can store any schema representation, and from there, it can be converted into any other. Transformations are done through 2 different type-classes.

Quick examples

Case Classes to other types

val s: StructType = SparkSchemas.schema[MyCaseClass]
val bq: List[Field] = SqlTypeToBigQuery[MyCaseClass].bigQueryFields // just the schema
BigQueryTable.createTable[MyCaseClass]("myDataset", "myTable") // Create a table in a BigQuery real environment
val c: CreateTable = CassandraTables.table[MyCaseClass]

There are also extension methods that make easier the transformation between types when there are instances

//from Case Class instance
val foo: MyCaseClass = ???
foo.asBigQuery // List[Field]
foo.asSparkSchema // StructType
foo.asCassandra("TableName", "primaryKey") // CreateTable

Conversion between types works in the same way

// From Spark to others
val foo: StructType = myDataFrame.schema
foo.asBigQuery // List[Field]
foo.asCassandra("TableName", "primaryKey") // CreateTable

//From BigQuery to others
val foo: Schema = ???
foo.asSparkFields // List[StructField]
foo.asSparkSchema // StructType
foo.asCassandra("TableName", "primaryKey") // CreateTable

//From Cassandra to others
val foo: CreateTable = ???
foo.asSparkFields // List[StructField]
foo.asSparkSchema // StructType
foo.asBigQuery // List[Field]
foo.asBigQuery.schema // Schema

Check the complete guide on how to create a new type to understand how the library works internally