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Big Data Types

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A library to transform Case Classes into Database schemas and to convert implemented types into another types

This is a type safe library that converts basic Scala types and product types into different database types and schemas, it also allows converting implemented types into another types, for example, a Spark Schema can be automatically converted into a BigQuery table, or a BigQuery table into a Cassandra table without having code that relates those types between them.

What we can do with this library:

  • Using multiple modules:
    • Probably the most powerful thing of the library, any implemented type can be converted to any other implemented type. e.g: A Spark Schema can be converted into a BigQuery Table
    • If new types are implemented in the library (e.g: Avro & Parquet schemas, Json Schema, ElasticSearch templates, etc) they will get automatically conversions for the rest of the types
  • BigQuery: Create BigQuery Tables (or Schemas) using Case Classes or other types.
    • BigQuery module has also a complete integration with the system, so tables can be created using only this library.
  • Spark: Create Spark Schemas from Case Classes or from any other implemented type.
  • Cassandra: Create CreateTable objects from Case Classes. (They can be printed as a create table statement too) or from any other type
  • Transformations:
    • On all modules, during a conversion (from one type to another) apply custom transformations. e.g: convert field names from camelCase into snake_case, decide Timestamp formats or numerical precisions

Available conversions:

From / ToScala TypesBigQuerySparkCassandraCirce (JSON)
Circe (JSON)