Cassandra module is using the Query builder in the DataStax Java Driver
to return CreateTable
objects from product types such a Case Classes (or other types from the library, like Spark Schemas)
This module doesn't have anything to connect directly to a Cassandra instance,
this is only a bridge between Scala product types (and other types from the library) to the DataStax Query Builder
In other words, with this module you can use Case Classes (or any other type in the library) to create a CreateTable
object that you can use to interact with a real Cassandra instance
Case Classes to Cassandra CreateTable
Quick example using Case Classes
case class MyTable(id: String, name: String, age: Int)
val table: CreateTable = CassandraTables.table[MyTable]("TableName", "id")
Other types to Cassandra CreateTable
val sparkSchema = sparkDataFrame.schema
CassandraTables.table(sparkSchema, "tableName", "primaryKeyFieldName")
Or from a product type (case class)
case class MyModel(a: Int, b: String)
val instance = MyModel(1, "test")
instance.asCassandra("TestTable", "primaryKey")
Or from an instance of other types
val mySparkDataframe: Dataframe = ???
mySparkDataframe.schema.asCassandra("TestTable", "primaryKey")